
BY Zacc Dukowitz
30 September 2021


The problem?

They’re having trouble finding enough qualified candidates to fill all their open positions.

According to data in Drone Analyst’s recent2021 Market Sector Report, one of the outstanding issues inhibiting drone service providers this year is “Difficulty finding pilots.”

资源:Drone Analyst

In 2018, “Difficulty finding pilots” was only an issue for about 6% of respondents, and in 2020 it was 7%.


While regulatory challenges remain in the top 5 list for both sides of the market, we have seen a proportional rise in issues related to sourcing qualified pilots.

——Drone Analyst

这意味着有很多公司在那里寻求雇用寄生虫飞行员 - 但没有足够的合格飞行员填补这些职位。

In addition to service companies, those running drone programs have also had trouble finding pilots, further strengthening the idea that there may be a shortage of qualified drone pilots, or possibly that there is an issue connecting drone pilots with those who want to hire them.

问题 - 无人机 - 普鲁克姆斯 - 飞行员

资源:Drone Analyst

As you can see in the chart above, Drone Analyst’s data on issues that inhibit drone programs shows that “Sourcing qualified pilots” shot up from around 6% in 2020 to about 16% in 2021.

The increase mirrors the shortage seen in drone service providers, and implies that there could be lots of companies and public safety organizations trying to hire drone pilots, and not having any luck.

Wondering where the data came from? This year, Drone Analyst’s Market Sector Report drew responses from 1,800 people located in 110 countries, who work in 39 different industries. The report also drew from a series of qualitative interviews.

A Skills Gap or Just a Licensing Gap?


资源:Drone Analyst

From 2020 to 2021, “Sourcing training” rose as an issue of concern for service companies from about 2.5% to 9%.


As drone adoption grows, so grows the demand for specific skill sets in drone pilots. This means that just having your Part 107 may not be enough to get some of the more demanding—and higher paying—drone jobsout there.

In addition to holding a Part 107, it could be that some drone service companies need pilots with experience in specific types of work, such asroof inspections或检查confined spaces.



As we noted in a recentpost突出DJI去年在商业无人机中的市场份额损失,商业无人机市场越来越多地专业化。(这篇文章还依赖于来自Drone分析师的数据20201 Market Sector Report。)

In some cases, there are only a handful of drones that can do a certain kind of job, and pilots will need to know how to fly those drones to get those jobs.

So it could be that the pilot shortage shown in Drone Analyst’s data isn’t actually a shortage of Part 107 pilots, but is—at least in part—driven by the need for new, specialized training and skill development among those who are already FAA-certified to fly drones.

Other Key Takeaways from the Data


  • 有限的营运资金
  • Regulations on Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations
  • 非法运营商
  • Difficulty obtaining waivers
  • Slow adoption by industries
  • State + local restrictions

问题 - 无人机 - 伺服活动 - 提供者 - 顶级问题
资源:Drone Analyst

Looking at this data captured over the last four years, it’s interesting to see the changes that have taken place in the drone industry.

Back in 2018, we can see that obtaining waivers was a big pain point for drone service providers. As instant airspace authorizations were rolled out viaLAANCthis issue has subsided, but it’s surprising to see that it still holds such a big position on the list.

It could be that the waivers people are thinking about are for BVLOS—which would make sense, given that BVLOS is second on the list.

Two interconnected issues you see in the data that went away for a few years but then came back again this year are concerns around privacy and data security.

Our guess is that the privacy concerns many service providers faced back in 2018 had more to do with battling negative public perception of drones, while the privacy concerns more on people’s minds these days has to do with worries about whether Chinese drones are secretly录制用户数据, given how prevalent that topic has been in the media over the last year or so.

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